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Vietovė: LabradorLand
Registravosi: 2009-11-28
Žinutės: 2756
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 15

#151 2010-08-04 13:57

Re: Smūgis

Eik tu kloune..nerasyk isvis.

Paskutinį kartą taisė Makleris (2010-08-04 13:58)


Metų forumietis 2010
Vietovė: UK
Registravosi: 2009-11-18
Žinutės: 6045
Atsiliepimai: 24

#152 2010-08-04 14:14

Re: Smūgis

As someone who trains MMA, I have always wanted to put more power behind my punches. Just like the average person, I figured if I got bigger and stronger I would automatically gain strength in my punches. Now, that was not 100% wrong but there is a lot more to it then just getting bigger and stronger. In fact, you don't necessarily have to get bigger to punch harder. There are actually workouts that target a certain muscle which will help you do so.

Lifting weights does have some part in adding power to your punch. Getting stronger is obviously going to help. That is, with the exception that you are not sacrificing speed and technique along with that well needed snap. You have probably heard the expression "speed is power "and automatically assume that the faster you punch the harder it will hit. That assumption could be true if you kept the technique and the snap which is not usually the case. So, one thing to focus on is gaining strength. All fighters should strength train and gain power while practicing proper technique and not sacrificing speed. This alone will help you punch harder but is not what is going to give you that knockout power we all want.

Bulking up is another step you can take when it comes to packing more power behind those punches. Problem with that is, most fighters have a certain weight class they have to perform at. Gaining mass could bump you up to a bigger weight class and most fighters would prefer to just be more powerful in there usual weight class. This is very understandable, and not completely necessary. One thing that could be considered is burning fat off and replacing that weight with muscle. Making you stronger, bigger, and still at the same weight you are comfortable with.

Most importantly, where does the power of your punch come from? Oddly enough, the answer is simple. The power in your punches comes from the lower body, specifically the gluteus maximus. Yes, you can punch harder if you strengthen the muscles in your butt. That as well as your legs, the stronger your legs then the stronger you can make the gluteus maximus. So... in a nutshell, work those leg muscles and focus on those exercises that target the butt. Look at Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, he is one of the hardest punchers in the UFC and he himself will tell you, its all in the glutes.

Here is a list of some exercises that target the gluteus maximus.

-Leg lifts
-Leg extensions

These are just a few workouts to help you punch harder. So lets recap, first of all, you want to get stronger by weight training and remember not to sacrifice technique or speed. Second, bulk up by replacing that unwanted and unneeded fat and replacing it with lean muscle mass. Last, most importantly, you must work those legs and make those glutes nice and strong. Where does the power behind the punch come from? That's rights! The gluteus maximus. Remember, the leg muscles are the ones you will use to increase the muscles in the glutes

Radau vienam forume, gal kam pravers


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2010-12-08
Žinutės: 6
Atsiliepimai: 0

#153 2010-12-08 19:25

Re: Smūgis

Is savo patirties galiu pasakyt, kad labai padeda tampyt gumas. As vasara dar netampiau, Rugsejo menesi pradejau, tai tikrai rezultatas yra, ir gan didelis. lol


Dažnas senbūvis
Vietovė: klp-pnv-vln
Registravosi: 2007-05-28
Žinutės: 5521
Atsiliepimai: 8

#154 2010-12-08 20:55

Re: Smūgis

Zygimantas123456 rašė:

Is savo patirties galiu pasakyt, kad labai padeda tampyt gumas. As vasara dar netampiau, Rugsejo menesi pradejau, tai tikrai rezultatas yra, ir gan didelis. lol

nori smugiuot - geriausias pratimas smugiuot smile


Atkaklus dalyvis
Vietovė: Vilnius
Registravosi: 2010-04-18
Žinutės: 182
Atsiliepimai: 0

#155 2010-12-12 15:36

Re: Smūgis

nenormalus rašė:

Zygimantas123456 rašė:

Is savo patirties galiu pasakyt, kad labai padeda tampyt gumas. As vasara dar netampiau, Rugsejo menesi pradejau, tai tikrai rezultatas yra, ir gan didelis. lol

nori smugiuot - geriausias pratimas smugiuot smile

teisingai, pasiimi kriausia ir dauzai ir smugis tobuleja


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-03
Žinutės: 11
Atsiliepimai: 0

#156 2011-04-05 14:53

Re: Smūgis

O kam tas smūgis? Nesuprantu.Na, jūs esat dauguma čia kultūristai, dirbat su štangomis, svoriais ir t.t. Daugelis galbūt esat savo srities profesionalai, išmanot, ką ir kaip daryti, taisykles ir t.t. Bet kam smūgis? Nes turiu raumenų ir turiu būti kietas, mokėti muštis? Nelabai aš šito suprantu.Smūgius palikit kovotojams, kurie dėl to dirba diena iš dienos.Pasakymai ,,daužyk kriaušę" neturi jokios prasmės.Čia tas pats, kas jūs pasakytumėte ,,stumk štangą", tai čia klausimas, kaip stumti, kada stumti, kiek stumti ir t.t. ir t.t. Sakykime boksininkai prie vieno smūgio gali dirbti ištisus metus, per kiekvieną treniruotę, neretai boksiorai per metus taisyklingai išmoksta atlikti vieną du smūgius.(Gerai, jeigu tiek išmoksta, yra tokių, kurie lanko ir neišmoksta).Aš jau nekalbu apie kombinacijas, kurios atšlifuoti reikia kelerių metų, todėl siūlyčiau nekišti nosies į tai ko nereikia ir duok Dieve, kad gyvenime neprireiktų.


Dažnas dalyvis
Vietovė: Kaunas
Registravosi: 2010-11-28
Žinutės: 496
Atsiliepimai: 3

#157 2011-04-05 19:30

Re: Smūgis

Swat cia gal ir kulturizmo forumas bet ateina cia ne tik kulturistu smile O jai uztenka proto ateit i kulturizmo foruma kaip smugiuot tai ir patarima gausi ne is kovotojo o is stangu zmoniu.


Naujas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2011-04-03
Žinutės: 11
Atsiliepimai: 0

#158 2011-04-06 22:12

Re: Smūgis

Na, aš apie tai ir kalbu, kam patarimas iš štangų žmonių, apie smūgiavimą?


buvęs Parapapapapa
Registravosi: 2013-05-05
Žinutės: 3088
Įspėjimai: 1
Atsiliepimai: 11

#159 2013-05-12 21:37

Re: Smūgis

nu ka prikelsim tema. taigi jei as dirbu su stangom ir plius smugi darau tai gal nesuletesiu?


buvęs ramli
Registravosi: 2013-05-09
Žinutės: 7566
Atsiliepimai: 8

#160 2013-05-12 21:42

Re: Smūgis

tavo visam kunui reikia judet,ne tik kartas nuo karto kriause padauzyti.
nebijok per trumpa laika nesumedesi.


Dažnas dalyvis
Registravosi: 2013-12-03
Žinutės: 697
Atsiliepimai: 1

#161 2016-02-29 13:52

Re: Smūgis

Amžina tema... noriu būt stiprus, didelis, ryškus, greitas, ištvermingas ir.. smile



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